Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Philosophy going forward

I should probably point out a few things about my approach going forward.  With each book, I will post a "pre-assessment" before reading, listing my background or familiarity with the work, or lack thereof.

Then, as I read, I'll post my progress during that book.  I view this more of a therapeutic journal more than anything else, so I'll be posting things that will help me keep things straight or things that struck me.

And yes, there'll be spoilers.  Sorry.  If you don't want old Stephen King books spoiled (the ones I'll be starting on will all be over 30 years old)'ve been warned.

Then, after I'm finished reading that book, I'll give my overall thought/reaction.  I hesitate to use the word "review" since that implies I'm taking a critical approach, but who knows.  Maybe they'll morph into something reviewish.

Then, after my final thoughts, I'll list my next target and repeat the process.


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