Wednesday, April 2, 2014

...and so my adventure begins...

I have a couple of goals:

1) Make time to read

2) Read all of Stephen King's fiction, including the Dark Tower --which intimidates me.  Heck, the entire gigantic catalogue is a bit intimidating.

3) Practice my speed reading.  Started speed reading a while back and I figured that speed reading + a gigantic back catalogue of King books make good bedfellows.

4) Approach his work with fresh eyes.  Yeah, I've read a few of his books.  I've seen a few movies, tv shows, miniseries based off his work.  I'm going to try to read these books on their own merit, and judge them within their own contexts. It would be easy to nit pick 40 year old books in the context of a modern 2014 eye, but that's not really what I'm about.  I'm not a critic and, while I may criticize certain things I don't like or question things I don't understand, my aim is to enjoy these stories, and understand them contextually and how they interact with each other-- as well as stand alone.  My aim isn't to pick them apart.  That's not to say it won't happen, but it's not a goal.

5) Chill out.  I'm sure something like this has been done before.  Probably better than I'll be able to do, but this is a therapeutic exercise for me.  Journaling the experience will help me keep things straight, so why not blog as I go?

My Focus:  I'm sure I'll rabbit trail and go on tangents here and there and talk about other subjects.  It happens.  I'm also not sure how quickly I will get through these books, so I hate to set unrealistic expectations.  I'm aiming to get through a novel every one or two weeks.  Give or take.  Maybe it will happen.  Maybe it won't.

My Approach: I've reached out to several friends who are Stephen King junkies and have asked for suggested reading order.  It seems that there's as many answers to that as their are readers.  One thing seems to be a theme shared by most: once you start reading the Dark Tower, focus on it and only venture away if you need something different.  Oh and read it in order.  Duh.  Everything else can pretty much be read whenever.

So for the time being, I've decided to start reading in published order.  At some point I'll deviate, probably to accommodate the Dark Tower...when I'm ready.

And of course, if you think "JERK'S DOING IT WRONG"...drop me a line.  Straighten me out.


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