Friday, April 8, 2016

Hey...I'm not dead.

So it's been two years.  Crazy how this life thing works.

I don't want to get into it too deeply, but I started having massive health issues shortly after my last post back in April of 2014.  Multiple hospital stays and multiple surgeries over the next 18 months...

What I'm basically saying is I put Stephen King (and this blog) away and focused on getting well.

I'm still not quite there (yeah, even 2 years later) but I'm ready to get back to it.

I'll probably start back up the beginning of The Shining, but I'll probably not blog until I've caught up to where I left off.

Bear with me as I get back into the swing, but updates will become a regular thing again.  I still intend to read through all of King.  But at this point...his writing is outpacing my reading.

So I better get cracking...

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